PES 2021 Tight Kits Model With More Muscle Add-on

PES 2021 Tight Kits Model With More Muscle Add-on

Tight kits model with more muscle made for eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2021 by MukskY

MukskY's mod aims to give players in PES 2021 a more realistic and immersive gaming experience by enhancing the model of the tight kit with more muscle definition. This modification has several advantages that can have a significant impact on the game's gameplay and visual appeal.

The mod also improves the visual details of the players' kits, with a more pronounced muscle definition that adds depth and dimension to the overall appearance. This enhancement can be particularly noticeable during close-up shots and replays, where the increased muscle definition adds to the visual appeal of the game.

How to Install

To get started with the mod, you need to follow a simple installation process. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Extract and Put the "sleeve" Folder Inside Livecpk Folder

The first step is to extract the "sleeve" folder from the mod package and place it inside the livecpk folder of your Sider 7 directory. This folder contains the necessary files and assets for the mod to work seamlessly with the game.

Step 2: Add Line to Sider.ini

Next, you need to open the sider.ini file, which is located in Sider 7 folder. Inside the sider.ini file, add the following line: 
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\sleeve"
This line tells the game where to find the mod files and enables it to load the mod during gameplay.

Step 3: Enjoy the Enhanced Tight Kits Model

Once you have completed the installation process, you are ready to experience the enhanced tight kits model with more muscle definition in PES 2021. Launch the game, using Sider 7 and you will notice the improved visual details of the players' kits, with enhanced muscle definition that adds to the overall realism and authenticity of the gameplay.

Credits: Tight Kits Model With More Muscle Mod made by MukskY


  1. Is this right?

    debug = 0
    close.on.exit = 0
    start.minimized = 1 = 1
    livecpk.enabled = 1 = "A://eFootball PES 2021\PES2021.exe" = "\PES2021.exe"

    ; enforce number of match minutes here
    ; you can set any value from 1 to 255, although you probably
    ; do not want to go higher than 90, because it will be weird :-)
    ; 0 - disables this feature.
    match.minutes = 0

    ; to see mstats.lua working, set this to 1
    match-stats.enabled = 1

    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Fac"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Leg"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Mai"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Man"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Man1"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Acc"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Uni"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Tha"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Tha1"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Pas"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Peu"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Pla"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Cla"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Aec"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Tat"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Tat1"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\WE_Cha"
    cpk.root = ".\livecpk\sleeve"

    ; Lua settings
    lua.enabled = 1
    luajit.ext.enabled = 1

    lua.module = "CommonLib.lua"
    lua.module = "tournament_anth_tunnel.lua"
    lua.module = "Entrance_fix.lua"
    lua.module = "Entrance.lua"
    lua.module = "Stadium_Banner.lua"
    lua.module = "Stadium_Board.lua"
    lua.module = "BallServer.lua"
    lua.module = "StadiumServer.lua"
    lua.module = "ScoreboardServer.lua"
    lua.module = "kserv.lua"
    lua.module = "RefKitServer.lua"
    lua.module = "MenuServer.lua"
    lua.module = "env.lua"
    lua.module = "etrace.lua"
    lua.module = "camera.lua"
    lua.module = "jittest.lua"
    lua.module = "zlibtest.lua"
    lua.module = "cr7_audio.lua"
    lua.module = "trophy.lua"
    lua.module = "matchset.lua"
    ;lua.module = "GFX_lod.lua"
    ;lua.module = "netblock.lua"
    ;lua.module = "pointers.lua"
    ;lua.module = "mstats.lua"
    ;lua.module = "timeaccel.lua"
    ;lua.module = "matchset.lua"
    ;lua.module = "tracer.lua"
    ;lua.module = "inputdemo.lua"
    ;lua.module = "snow.lua"
    ;lua.module = "facedump.lua"
    ;lua.module = "filedump2.lua"
    ;lua.module = "kitrewrite.lua"
    ;lua.module = "gc64test.lua"

    ; Overlay settings
    ; location on screen: top|bottom
    ; size of the font (0 - automatic)
    ; overlay hot keys:
    ; 0x20 - [space] - toggle overlay on/off
    ; 0x31 - [1] - pass overlay control to next module
    ; 0xc0 - [~] - pass overlay control to previous module
    ; colors are in RRGGBBAA format
    overlay.enabled = 1
    overlay.on-from-start = 0
    overlay.location = "top"
    overlay.font-size = 0
    overlay.font = "Consolas"
    overlay.vkey.toggle = 0x20 = 0x31
    overlay.vkey.prev-module = 0xc0
    overlay.background-color = "102010c0"
    overlay.text-color = "80ff80c0"
    overlay.image-alpha-max = 0.8
    overlay.toggle.sound = "toggle.wav"
    overlay.toggle.sound-volume = 0.5

    ; Reload modified modules
    ; Default combination: Shift-R
    vkey.reload-1 = 0x10
    vkey.reload-2 = 0x52


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